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University College London

Greek for Beginners
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Advanced Greek
Homer in Translation
Linear B
Latin Palaeography and Homer
Greek Religion and Homer
Homer in the Middle Ages
Philosophy and Homer
Homeric Meditations and Yoga

Summer School in Homer 2019, UCL
Monday 22nd July to Friday 26th July 2019

The Summer School offers five days of intensive teaching of Homeric language and literature. There will be four language classes each day as well as lectures, between 10.30 and 16.30. The course is not residential.

Teaching will be generally in groups of 15-20 people which, as far as possible, comprise students of roughly the same level of experience (beginners, intermediate or advanced). The style of teaching is friendly, but demanding: a lot of work is expected from students during the School, but they should find the whole experience both stimulating and valuable. Some classes concentrate chiefly on reading texts, while others offer a mixture of grammar and translation practice. Our tutors include some of the most experienced and talented teachers of Classics in the London area and beyond.